Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Shots...

Blockading the steps so no one can enter. She can be a bricklayer look at those skills!
Wrigleys k9s are coming in and man was she angry and tired after church!!! Not even Motrin helped! Wiggles and some snacks helped a little.

I dont know what either of those faces are about.

Yup that is another shiner she got, she was just running down the hall way way too fast like usual after a nap and ran right into the wall fell over and donked her head on the baseboard!!!

Just chillin! Getting ready for Almanor!


Spencer and Karli said...

She is a gorgeous child :) Kasia you look cute, thin and tan as always

The Greenski's said...

Thanks Kar for saying that I think I am in the worste shape of my life right now, actually I know I am in the worste shape of my life right now, but thanks for always being so nice to me!Pretty soon you'll be carrying this little chunk around at Almanor and the Beach, its coming ~!

Jennie said...

Have you tried Hylands teething tablets? They are homepathic. My kids loved them.

JR and Brynn said...

So cute, Kasia. I am loving the the one of you two cuddling together. So sweet. Hope you are doing great, you really do look great, so stop with the excuses. :)